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Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: Last 12 Months
Generated 09-Apr-2008 02:16 PDT

Summary by Month
Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Apr 2008 2965 2875 2659 119 718 104546 955 21277 23004 23724
Mar 2008 4850 4793 4624 118 1962 222558 3662 143362 148598 150360
Feb 2008 4478 4422 4251 102 1505 192231 2970 123281 128263 129877
Jan 2008 5335 5259 5051 121 1673 242990 3769 156611 163046 165394
Dec 2007 3561 3513 3363 98 1248 174618 3063 104263 108909 110421
Nov 2007 4016 3960 3829 98 1256 175739 2963 114889 118828 120498
Oct 2007 3890 3834 3697 99 1243 162859 3072 114628 118873 120606
Sep 2007 4566 4497 4343 109 1280 196363 3274 130311 134937 137005
Aug 2007 5022 4960 4809 129 1546 290125 4023 149104 153780 155705
Jul 2007 6230 6147 6014 153 1574 546749 4765 186436 190587 193160
Jun 2007 6906 6796 6662 161 1797 334562 4833 199861 203882 207181
May 2007 5454 5361 5236 134 1406 221903 4176 162319 166207 169084
Totals 2865243 41525 1606342 1658914 1683015

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01