Learn the Basics ...Understand Mortgage Choices...Save Time and Money (I would integrate this copy over a “wheel” type of image, with each of these major deliverables taking up 1/3 of the wheel…just an idea)

Our complete mortgage guidebook provides you with the unbiased information you need to make a good decision! Take uncertainty out of the equation.


ü      Choosing the Right Mortgage for Your Situation


Is a conventional 30 year Fixed Loan for you? Learn how you can pay less for your home with a 10, 15, or 20 year loan.


ü      Specialty Loan Programs: Review other Options

Learn why Interest only and 5/1 Adjustable Rate loans have been so popular and how you can take advantage. Home price above $300K? Take a look at our advice on Jumbo Loans.


ü      Get Help With Challenging Mortgage Situations

Are you facing foreclosure? Are you 3 or 4 payments behind? Well, life can be tough - foreclosure happens to lots of good people. There ARE options available, learn more now.

Thinking your bad credit will prevent you from owning? Think again. Get the facts.


ü      First Time Home Buyer?

Stop renting and start owning! Your guide to everything you need to know about living the dream of home ownership. It’s time to get in the game.


ü      Mortgage Calculators

See how much home you can afford and what your monthly payments will be.