Free, Unbiased Mortgage Information

  Mortgage information can be confusing, especially to a novice in the world of personal finance. And everyone wants to charge you to learn the simple facts you need in order to purchase a home. You want up-to-date information, not a bunch of documents to read in technical language. We have provided you free, credible help.

Mortgages represent the largest savings account most people will ever own. Your home will be with you for a long time – but so will the mortgage. Choosing a mortgage with incomplete or incorrect information can result in a loan that is difficult to live with for 15, 20, 30 or even 40 years of your life. And if you choose not to live with a loan you don’t like, then information is the key to refinancing.

All the information on home loans is here, whether you are a first time home buyer, have less than perfect credit, want to invest in real estate, or even want a career in the finance industry. Find it here, from professionals who are not trying to sell you a loan.

Basic Types of Mortgages
overviewmonthly mortgagejumbobank mortgages15 year loans30 year fixed loansinterest only loans • fixed rate

Specialty Types of Mortgages

40 year loansbuy to let mortgagescommercial loans

The Mortgage Business

overviewjobsbecome a broker

Mortgage Information

expect advice!how large a loan do I need?bad credit loans  • the loan approval process


glossarymortgage payment optionsmortgage payment insurancemortgage equity - your personal savings accountmortgage amortizationpre approvalmortgage protection insurance

Tips & Tricks
tips from finance experts7 helpful tipspointshome selection ideascommercial loan tips

Special Situations
overviewfirst time buyersforeclosurereverse mortgages

Home Financing Tips Mortgage Types Rates First Time Buyers
Several helpful tips

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30 year, 15 year, adjustable - what's right for me?

+ The Best Loan For You
Ways to find the best interest rates

+ Find How To Locate Rates
Learn about loans and develop a strategy for purchasing your first home.

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Glossary 40 Year Loans Free Content! Bad Credit?
Confused by all the new terminology?

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40-year Loans -- are they right for you?

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Bad Credit? No credit? Not a problem! There are still options to finance your home.

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